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The Urbanization of Ecological Networks
The Urbanization of Ecological Networks (2016)
Video: Subjects include city scapes, salty dendritic networks, zebrafish blood cells/capillaries, freeways, ants, spider webs,water bodies, zebrafish macrophage system, estuaries, trees
Los Angeles, California, USA
Artists: Mick Lorusso & Dr. Olivia Osborne
Music: Virginia Creeper x Fluid Dynamics by M&C feat. Master Osborne
This video consists of the intertwining relationships between biological fluid systems and ecological networks found in nature and the urban setting.
The Urbanization of Ecological Networks : Installation
Installation: Video, Ice Dome Sculptures, Projector, Perspex, Food Colouring, Paper, Glue
Los Angeles, California, USA
Artists: Mick Lorusso & Dr. Olivia Osborne
Public interactive installation of which the viewer was encouraged to touch/interact/participate on the melting of the collaborative ice sculptures. In manipulating very small volumes of liquid, the public can begin to understand this complex phenomena of fluid dynamics from micro to macro whilst observing/thinking about fluid systems and ecological networks in both nature/urban setting.

[Fluid Systems Exhibition, Art|Sci Gallery, UCLA, Los Angeles, USA. November 2016]
Photo Credits: Dr. Olivia Osborne, Mick Lorusso & Dawn Faelnar
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