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Cry me a River, California

Cry me a River, California #01 (2014)

Watercolour and glass resin on canvas
Los Angeles, California,USA
Olivia Osborne

Cry me a River, California #03 (2014)

Watercolour and glass resin on canvas

Los Angeles, California,USA

Olivia Osborne

LA in the rain #02 (2015)

Watercolour and glass resin on canvas

Los Angeles, California,USA

Olivia Osborne


As part of the California Drought series-I did a series of paintings concerning the current drought problem in California to raise awareness.

I created the Californian scenes with watercolours on canvas, then encapsulated each in glass resin. The sky is mimicking tears and creating a river (body of water) that runs through the canvas. I used unconventional colours as I currently reside in LA so it reflects its effervescent sunset colours and peoples' personality. 

The main theme was “trap and protect” the water-tinged art to suggest the need for sustainability and further prove- look, water can even be preserved in art.


UNICEF Art Gala, Los Angeles, USA (2015, 2016) [ DONATION ]

Zócalo Magazine article


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